I love everything Dolce, from Panna cotta to Dolce Vita! Dolce Far Niente is an unforgettable phrase from Eat Pray and Love. (especially when it was uttered by a gorgeous Italian in the movie)
You make an agreeable argument for the beauty of slowing down. Hurriedness is a very American concept that has seeped everywhere like their "fast food". But I smell some hope in the air. It is not coincidental that I recently read an article on Creative Procrastination; and in another realm, slow cooking is slowly having a comeback in the kitchens due to its superior tastes and health benefits. The word is out, the American Hustle might soon succumb to its fatal enemy :)
It would be interesting to read further into the art of "Lying Fallow". Thanks for sharing your notes. Have a restful weekend!
We are currently on vaca and a recent visit was the St Louis Aquarium. The river otter enclosure found the stars sacked out in a friendly pile. They were like, 'go on with your crazy pace, we're chillin' here a minute'! Teaching moment!
I love everything Dolce, from Panna cotta to Dolce Vita! Dolce Far Niente is an unforgettable phrase from Eat Pray and Love. (especially when it was uttered by a gorgeous Italian in the movie)
You make an agreeable argument for the beauty of slowing down. Hurriedness is a very American concept that has seeped everywhere like their "fast food". But I smell some hope in the air. It is not coincidental that I recently read an article on Creative Procrastination; and in another realm, slow cooking is slowly having a comeback in the kitchens due to its superior tastes and health benefits. The word is out, the American Hustle might soon succumb to its fatal enemy :)
It would be interesting to read further into the art of "Lying Fallow". Thanks for sharing your notes. Have a restful weekend!
Cheers :)
Thank you so much :) Nearly everything Italian is dolce, I believe. Living in a slow way is just one them. Have a weekend full of slowness and joy.
Cheers :)
We are currently on vaca and a recent visit was the St Louis Aquarium. The river otter enclosure found the stars sacked out in a friendly pile. They were like, 'go on with your crazy pace, we're chillin' here a minute'! Teaching moment!
The art of Dolce Far Niente; I'm a fan!